Aerial image of Roman Vindolanda taken in 202

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Visit Roman Vindolanda today and you will find one of the North East’s most famous and not to be missed tourist attractions lying in the beautiful landscape of Hadrian's Wall Country. Formerly a key military post on the northern frontier of Britain, Vindolanda is the home of Britain's 'Top Treasure' - the Vindolanda Writing Tablets - and is one Europe's most important Roman archaeological sites, with live excavations taking place every year.

Open daily from 9:30am, see website for seasonal closing hours (last admission one hour before closing)

Tickets available online and on the door.

  • Hearing Impaired
  • Guide Dogs
  • Wheelchair Accessible
  • Visually Impaired
Roman Vindolanda Website


Chesterholm Museum, Bardon Mill, Northumberland, NE47 7JN


+44 (0)1434 344277

Roman Vindolanda Fort is one of Europe’s most important Roman archaeological sites. It is situated on the Stanegate Road, one mile south of Hadrian’s Wall and is managed and owned by the Vindolanda Charitable Trust.

Vindolanda’s Hadrian’s Wall replicas with the Ermine Street Guard reenactors.

Vindolanda Roman Fort

The site itself comprises nine forts built on top of each other. Soldiers from all over the Roman Empire, including Belgium, Germany and France were stationed here. The visible stone fort dates to the third century and the impressive remains include the fort walls, the headquarters building, the Commanding Officer’s house, granaries and barracks. The remains of the extramural settlement lie just outside of the fort walls. Buildings line a main street including houses, shops, a tavern and a bathhouse.

Excavations take place on the site every year and attract hundreds of volunteers from all over the world. The site has oxygen free conditions, which preserve the artefacts amazingly.

Vindolanda Museum

The on-site museum, down the hill from the fort, displays the many stunning objects found during the excavations. These include a remarkable collection of wooden artefacts, leather shoes, military equipment, tools, jewellery, pottery, carved stone and religious artefacts.

The Vindolanda Writing Tablets

The top find from the site, also on display in the museum are the Vindolanda writing tablets – voted Britain’s ‘Top Treasure’. The small wooden postcard sized documents recorded the daily life of people who used to live here. These include letters from soldiers asking for socks and underwear, a birthday party invitation to the Commanding Officer’s wife, requests for payment, lists of goods supplied and troops deployed.

Through the astonishing Roman remains, superbly preserved artefacts and exciting live excavations, the site of Vindolanda enables visitors to really connect with the people who once called this place their home.

Painted Roman glass showing gladiators
Vindolanda Gladiator Glass on display in the museum.

Complement your visit with a trip to Vindolanda’s sister site the Roman Army Museum to make a great day out on Hadrian’s Wall.

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