Where to Find the Flock on Hadrian’s Wall: A Look at the Illuminated Sheep Trail 2024

Start Exploring

Looking to spot the Illuminated Sheep but only have one day to do it? We have you covered. 

Deepa Mann-Kler’s exhibition can be found along the stretch of the Wall with each sheep dressed in costumes created by residents to reflect the location. Here are a handful of sights to take in if you only have eight hours to spare to find the flock.

Where to Start

Immerse yourself in the heritage of the Wall by starting in the medieval market town of Hexham.

Take in the sheep at the Queen’s Hall Arts CentreWestend Methodist ChurchThe Forum Cinema, and The Mart before grabbing breakfast in the courtyard of The Garden Coffee Shop, the smoothie bowl is a must, with vegan options also available. 

If you happen to find yourself in the town for the second or fourth Saturday of the month, why not pop along to the farmer’s market. 

Lunch amongst the Northumbrian Landscape

From Hexham, head west along the Wall toward The Sill for your next stop. 

The journey takes a little over 20 minutes by car, with ample parking available, and there’s also The Hadrian’s Wall Country Bus service, the Go North East AD122, that runs a regular service between Hexham and Haltwhistle throughout the year with a bus stop right outside the main entrance to The Sill. While you are there, why not grab a light lunch at Sill’s scenic Cafe or pop next door to make a pitstop at The Twice Brewed Inn and sample the home-brewed ales, the Ale Caesar amber ale is a firm favourite – all perfect fuel to head nine minutes down the road to capture another sheep at Walltown Quarry Country Park

Spend the Afternoon on The Borders

Next, head eight miles across to Gilsland where you can spot three sheep in one go over at the Birdoswold Roman FortGreen Croft Arts, and Gilsland bus stop. This border town, which straddles Cumbria and Northumberland is known for the Milecastle 48, one of the best-preserved milecastles to be found along Hadrian’s Wall, well worth the walk.

Round Out the Day in the Cathedral City

Wrap up the adventure with a visit to Carlisle, a 2,000-year-old city and one of the 13 most historic cities of England. 

You will find sheep across the city from Tulle House Museum to Congabata Fort. Nip into The Old Bank for Cumbrian pub classics set in a Grade 2 listed building and rest up after a full day out finding the flock. 

Don’t forget to share your photos and tag us on social media @visithadrianswall.

The Illuminated Sheep Trail will be in place along the Wall until Thursday 26 September before shedding their costumes to gather as a flock at:

Toffee Factory | Thursday 3 & Friday 4 October

Segedunum | Friday 11 & Saturday 12 October

Newcastle Cathedral | Tuesday 22 – Thursday 24 October

Looking for more adventures? Plan your next day out with the Vindolanda Trust here.

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