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Hadrian’s Wall Partnership Board
The Hadrian’s Wall Partnership Board has been established with the following members:
Independent Chair – Lady Jane Gibson
Northumberland National Park Authority – Duncan Wise & Christine Venus
National Trust – Andrew Poad
Vindolanda Trust – Andrew Birley
English Heritage – Andrea Selley
Historic England – Mike Collins
Lancaster University – Eleri Cousins
South Tyneside Council – David Brooks
North Tyneside Council – Vicky Cuthbertson
Northumberland County Council – Wendy Scott & Maria Antoniou
Tullie House Museum & Art Gallery – Andrew Mackay
Hadrian’s Wall Path National Trail Partnership – Neil Dawson & Leah Vigars
Tyne and Wear Archives and Museums – Bill Griffiths
Newcastle City Council – Andrew Rothwell
Newcastle University – Rob Collins
Natural England – Lydia Speakman
Cumberland Council – Michael Barry
Guests from across the Frontiers of the Roman Empire WHS: Antonine Wall (tbc) and Deutsche-Limeskommission – Suzana Matesic.
Delivery Groups
The Delivery Groups are responsible for taking forward operational matters within the Polices identified in the Management Plan, and especially for the suite of Actions highlighted in the Plan. The Chair person of each Delivery Group is as following:
- Archaeological Research: Eleri Cousins (Lancaster University) & Frances McIntosh (English Heritage) as Vice Chair
- Learning and Interpretation: Barbara Birley (Vindolanda Trust) as Chair
- Marketing and Transport : Duncan Wise (Northumberland National Park) & Nick Henderson (Cumberland Council) as Vice Chair
- Conservation, Planning and Heritage Management: Mike Collins (Historic England)
Working on behalf of the Partnership Board and Delivery Groups are the Hadrian’s Wall Co-ordinators who can be contacted here.
This organogram shows the relationship between the Board and other elements in the management of the World Heritage Site.
The Terms of Reference for the Partnership Board and Delivery Groups were first agreed at the first meeting in May 2015. The Board is responsible for the review of the Management Plan, for the progress of various Actions highlighted in the Plan and for periodic reporting to UNESCO. Any changes to the Plan, agreed, documented and communicated by the Board. The Delivery Groups and Board are in regular contact to ensure the most up to date information is used for decision-making and project development.