Supporting Information
Start Exploring
Frontiers of the Roman Empire World Heritage Site
Landscapes of Hadrian’s Wall
- National Character Areas (Natural England)
- Environmental Designations along the Hadrian’s Wall corridor (West)
- Environmental Designations along the Hadrian’s Wall corridor (Central)
- Environmental Designations along Hadrian’s Wall corridor (East)
Hadrian’s Wall Interpretation Framework
- Overview and summary
- The north-west frontier of the Roman Empire
- The natural and cultural landscape of Hadrian’s Wall
- The north-west frontier of the Roman Empire – Public engagement appendices
- The natural and cultural landscape of Hadrian’s Wall – Appendices
Hadrian’s Wall Marketing and Business
Key Legislation, Policy, and Guidance
Legal Protection of the Monument
- The Hadrian’s Wall part of the Frontiers of the Roman Empire World Heritage Site is defined as those parts of the Roman frontier that are protected as Scheduled Monuments under The 1979 Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Areas Act
- Further details on Class Consents (those works deemed in law to already have scheduled monument consent without a specific application being made) are listed under The Ancient Monuments (Class Consents) Order 1994
The Planning System
- Development, including those affecting the World Heritage Site and its setting, is controlled in England by the 1990 Town and Country Planning Act
- The National Planning Policy Framework sets out the UK government’s planning policies for England and how these are expected to be applied. This includes those developments affecting the World Heritage Site and those elements of the frontier not currently protected as Scheduled Monuments
- Further guidance on conserving and enhancing the historic environment is provided by planning practice guidance
UK Government Policy
- More generally, the UK Government’s policy on identifying, protecting, conserving and investigating ancient monuments
Historic England Guidance
- English Heritage has produced guidance on the role that setting plays in the significance of heritage assets
- The Setting of Heritage Asset Guidance and The Setting of Heritage Assets Publication
- Guidance for owners and occupiers of monuments
Previous Hadrian’s Wall Management Plans
- 2014 HW Management Plan Consultation (Presentation)
- 2014 HW Management Plan Consultation
- 2015-2019 Long-term Aims
- 2008-2014 Management Plan Review
- 2008-2014 Management Plan